Book Review: Power Rangers by Alex Irvine

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. It’s Friday, and it’s time for another review. Today, I am reviewing the novelisation of the 2017 film Power Rangers by Alex Irvine.

Power Rangers was first published in 2017 by Grosset & Dunlap and is 158 pages long.

The Plot
Power Rangers is the novel adaptation of the 2017 movie of the same name, which tells the story of five ordinary teenagers who are given superpowers and form a team to save the world from Rita Repulsa.

Jason Scott (Red Ranger)
Jason is a former star quarterback who was involved in a prank gone wrong and ended up on house arrest. He’s a loyal friend and teammate with a firm sense of justice and will put himself on the line to protect others.

Kimberly Hart (Pink Ranger)
Kimberly is a popular cheerleader, dealing with personal issues after a falling out with her friends. She is resourceful, intelligent, quick-witted and, like Jason, is also fiercely loyal and will do anything to protect the city and everyone in it.

Billy Cranston (Blue Ranger)
Billy is an intelligent and tech-savvy teen who is on the autism spectrum. He’s very literal and has difficulty understanding social cues, but he’s also very kind and empathetic. He’s the team’s heart and always tries to see the best in people.

Trini Kwan (Yellow Ranger)
Trini is a bit of a loner who is searching for her identity. She is a tough, skilled fighter, independent, has a no-nonsense attitude and can hold her own in battle.

Zack Taylor (Black Ranger)
Zack is a rebellious student who is always looking for a thrill. He is agile, quick-witted, and has a playful sense of humour. However, with a sick mother to look after, things have not been easy for him.

Zordon is a wise and powerful alien, trapped in the Morphin Grid for millions of years and presenting himself to the Rangers as a holographic face in a wall. He is a former Red Ranger and mentors the new Power Rangers. With his robot companion, Alpha 5, Zordon helps guide the Rangers, preparing them for battle.

Alpha 5
Alpha 5 is a robotic assistant to Zordon. He is quirky, enthusiastic, and loyal to Zordon and the Power Rangers. He assists the team with their missions, and, with his unique sense of humour, he provides comic relief.

Rita Repulsa
Rita is a former member of Zordon’s team, having once been the Green Ranger who has gone rogue and turned evil. She is ruthless, cunning, and power-hungry. As the story’s primary antagonist, Rita has a deep-seated hatred for Zordon and the Rangers, seeking to destroy them and conquer Earth in her search for the Zeo Crystal.

Writing Style
Irvine’s prose is simple yet engaging, and his descriptions of the various locations and set pieces from the movie are vivid and immersive, allowing the reader to picture themselves in the story world easily.

While the movie sometimes struggles with balancing action sequences and character development, the novelisation finds a good balance between the two. The action scenes are exciting and well-written, but Irvine also takes the time to slow down and explore the thoughts and feelings of the characters, making the story more compelling.

Irvine also has the admirable ability to capture the essence of each character’s personality from the movie and translate them entirely onto the page. Each Power Ranger is given a distinct voice and backstory, making them feel like fully-realised individuals rather than just stock archetypes. The book also delves a little deeper into the motivations and relationships between the characters, adding a level of emotional depth that is not as prevalent in the movie.

Final Thoughts
As a kid growing up in the 90s, I was obsessed with The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. I used to sit in front of the TV on a Saturday morning, enthralled by the brightly coloured outfits, the wonderfully original monster of the week creatures and the stories. It was a great show, and though I stopped following after the 4th season (Power Rangers Zeo), I have regularly watched the original Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers movie from 1995. I find it’s one of those films that takes me back to a time when life wasn’t so serious, and my responsibilities were minimal (because I was 10!).

When it was announced that there was going to be a Power Rangers reboot, I must admit I was excited. I had high hopes for the new film, and while I was looking forward to a new take, I hoped it would capture the spirit of the original. I was not disappointed, and now, with the novelisation, I have been able to relive the story in a new way.

Overall, the novelisation of Power Rangers is a marvellous read for anyone who enjoyed the movie or is a fan of the Power Rangers franchise.

With that said, I am giving this novelisation 7/10.

Have you read the Power Rangers novel adaptation? Have you seen the Power Rangers film? What are your thoughts?

As ever, thanks for stopping by to read my review. It means a lot.

Until next time,


© 2024 GLT

Categories: Book Reviews, Reading

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2 replies

  1. I used to be a massive fan of The Power Rangers when I was a kid. Thank you for bringing back the memories.

    Liked by 1 person

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