Book Review: How to be Champion: My Autobiography by Sarah Millican

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. It’s Friday again, and time for another review. This week, I am reviewing the book ‘How to Be Champion: My Autobiography’ by Comedian Sarah Millican.

How to be Champion: My Autobiography by Sarah Millican was initially published in October 2017 by Trapeze and (my copy) is 298 pages long.

The Plot
How to be Champion: My Autobiography by Sarah Millican is a hilariously engaging memoir that depicts the life of one of Britain’s most popular stand-up comedians. Millican takes readers through her journey from her civil service background in the north of England to her rise to fame on the comedy circuit.

The main (and most important) character here is Sarah herself. After all, it is a book all about her life. She’s a hilarious comedian from the North East of England and was born in South Shields (like me – I am not biased at all…), so we’re both Geordies or, more specifically, being born in south shields, Sand Dancers… but I digress.

Writing Style
Sarah’s writing style is engaging, witty, and relatable, making the book an absolute pleasure to read from start to finish. Her self-deprecating humour is in full swing throughout. It’s filled with laugh-out-loud funny stories and punchlines that will have readers chuckling non-stop.

Because I love Sarah, I was looking forward to reading this book when it was first released, and I wasn’t disappointed. However, before re-reading it recently for this review, I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it as much the second time. I needn’t have worried, though. In fact, because I took my time with this reading, I got to appreciate Sarah’s honesty about her struggles with mental health, relationships, and body image on a deeper level. I love how she uses humorous stories to try and quash the stigma surrounding mental health, speaking openly about her struggle with depression and anxiety and how humour is her go-to coping mechanism, as it is for me too.

How to Be Champion is one of the funniest, most compelling and uplifting books I’ve read in ages! Sarah Millican has taken her experiences as a stand-up comedian and a human being and turned them into an inspiring and entertaining self-help(ish) book that is certain to make you laugh out loud. I belly-laughed so hard throughout both my readings.

Final Thoughts
How to Be Champion is a wonderfully touching and empowering read, and it’s worth noting that it is not just a book for comedy lovers. This book is for anyone from biography fans to self-help fans. It’s really a book for all, especially those who enjoy a good laugh or want to feel uplifted. It’s an enchanting reading experience and will leave you feeling that you shouldn’t let anything or anyone stop you from chasing your dreams.

I could not recommend this book more. It is well worth the read, especially if you’re feeling a little (or a lot) low. Do something nice for yourself and give it a go, or search ‘Sarah Millican’ on youtube and enjoy! (Though, if you’re unacquainted with the Geordie accent, you may need to train your ear a little, but trust me, it’s worth it).

I am giving How to Be Champion a well-deserved 10/10 – in fact, I’d go so far as to say 11/10…

Anyway… have you read Sarah’s autobiography? Are you a fan of her comedy? Let me know.

Thank you, as ever, for checking out my review! Your time is greatly appreciated.

Until next time,


© 2023 GLT

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