Book Review: The Audacity by Katherine Ryan

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. Today is Friday, and it’s time for another review. Today, I am reviewing Katherine Ryan’s The Audacity.

The Audacity was first published in September 2021 by Blink Publishing and is 336 pages long.

The Plot
The Audacity is a memoir in the style of a humourous ‘How To’ guide for life, chronicling the life of comedian Katherine Ryan, including her journey from her small home town of Sarnia in Canada to her panel show appearances and ascension in the comedy scene in the UK.

Although the book focuses mainly on the author, Katherine Ryan, she also describes some people in her life, such as her family and her friends, including fellow comedian Jimmy Carr and other influential people in her life.

Writing Style
The book is laid out in chapters that are titled ‘How To’ with subjects like ‘How to Marry Your Highschool Boyfriend’ and ‘How To Be Crowned Miss Hooters Toronto’, and while the structure of the book hops around a bit in terms of its timeline, Ryan’s writing style is engaging and conversational, effortlessly weaving together her personal narrative with funny and insightful observations about society and culture.

From her humble beginnings in Canada to her career-defining moments in the UK, Ryan candidly explores her life with a refreshing level of honesty and vulnerability while offering readers a unique perspective on trying to break into the entertainment industry as a female comedian, which was, and probably still is, for the most part, male-dominated, and how she met the challenges of such working environments.

Though Katherine is a comedian, the book is not a fluffy ball of fun – it is far from it. In fact, it feels incredibly personal, and Ryan does not shy away from tough topics, which is something I have come to expect from her as a fan of her work. Nothing is off limits, and she discusses everything from miscarriages, sexism and toxic relationships to insecurities and cosmetic surgery.

However, despite the heavier themes explored and experiences she has faced, Ryan’s unwavering determination and grit shine through in every chapter. She is, without doubt, a strong woman who takes a no-nonsense approach to life, and her candid, razor-sharp and often humorous way with words is a testament to her wit and intelligence, making The Audacity impossible to put down.

Final Thoughts
I love Katherine Ryan. I find her to be very honest and clever with her words. She says what she means and means what she says, but says it in a way that will make you laugh. I find her incredibly disarming, and her book is a perfect blend of comedy and introspection, replete with her trademark sarcasm. It made for quick reading – I read the book over three consecutive bedtimes (a handy way to measure reading time if you are a bedtime reader!)

The Audacity is a book you will enjoy if you are a fan of Katherine Ryan’s stand-up comedy, her panel show appearances or her acting work. However, even if you’re unfamiliar with her work, it’s still worth a read; I’m confident it’ll leave a lasting impression and that it will resonate and speak to the strength, resilience, and courage of everyone – especially women – everywhere whilst at the same time, tickling your funny bone and making you think about society and the world in general.

I am giving The Audacity 9/10.

Are you a fan of Katherine’s comedy? Have you read The Audacity? What do you think of it?

Thank you, as ever, for stopping by to read my review. I really appreciate it.

Until next time,


© 2024 GLT

Categories: Book Reviews, Reading

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2 replies

  1. I like Katherine Ryan’s standup, she’s got a sharp wit and she uses it well. She had a TV series that I didn’t like as much, it felt like maybe Ryan had the help of a committee to do the writing and they weren’t much help at all. Felt like that, anyway, I don’t know the truth of it. I’ll def download a sample of her book and buy it if I like the sample. And I suspect I’m gonna like it. Writing is like stand-up, without all the standing up.

    Liked by 1 person

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