Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Books that are Tearjerkers

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. It’s Wednesday, and it’s time for another post in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. If you would like to partake in the challenge, you can find the list of topics for 2024 here, and if you would like to read what others had to say about today’s topic, you can do so here.

Books that are Tearjerkers

Oh wow, this one was a toughie. How to choose?

I am a crier when it comes to fiction in all its mediums — but there are so many books that are apt to play upon readers’ emotions that my mind was momentarily paralysed by the deluge of stories I’ve read over the years.

However, after some thought, the book that keeps coming to mind is A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron.

It’s a beautiful story about a dog who finds himself repeatedly reincarnated, remembering and learning from each life. On his journey, the dog meets a boy called Ethan, and they essentially become soulmates, with the dog endeavouring to see Ethan again after being born into each new life.

The story is heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measure, and I bet if you’ve ever had a dog, you’ll leave this story wondering if your furry soul mate is out there somewhere, looking for you.

Another book that made me cry heavy, relatable tears is Matt Haig’s Reasons to Stay Alive. The book is a memoir chronicling Haig’s struggle with depression and anxiety. Having struggled with both since my early teens, I felt every word. I loved the book; it felt like he was writing my story. I can’t recommend this one enough, especially if you have ever felt hopeless or struggled in any way with your mental health. I finished the book feeling seen and, more importantly, hopeful.

Well, that’s me for today!

As always, thanks so much for reading my words. It means a lot.

Until next time,


© 2024 GLT

Categories: life, Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

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8 replies

  1. A Dog’s Purpose sounds interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. dogs get me every time. My mother has a rule she won’t watch a movie in which dog dies. I wonder if she might make an exception for the movie version of this one since the dog does reincarnate.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m an overly emotional person and will often cry at the oddest things! A friend has rec’d A Dog’s Purpose to me, but I’m afraid to read it. Hahaha.

    <a href=”“>My post</a>

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve heard of A Dog’s Purpose and deliberately avoided it – it just sounded too sad for me. I’m glad you enjoyed it though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, Tanith, it is incredibly sad, but it leaves you with such a wonderful feeling. If you’ve ever lived with a dog and had a close connection to one, it leaves you with this feeling that maybe they’re never really gone.


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