Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Things I Totally Misunderstood as a Kid

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. It’s Wednesday again (somehow), which means it’s time for another post in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. If you would like to participate in the challenge, you can find the list of topics for 2024 here. If you are interested in what other people had to say on today’s topic, you can read their responses here.

Things I Totally Misunderstood as a Kid

Oh, there are so many things I could list here.

I remember when I was small, I thought the word ‘euthanise’ meant to make someone younger. People would say things like, ‘Oh, we had our cat euthanised,’ and I’d hear ‘youth-anised, imagining their old cat becoming younger and younger until it was a kitten again.

If only, eh?

I can also remember one day, sitting at the kitchen table with my mum while she was going through the mail and hearing her say, ‘Oh, I must remember to pay that bill.’ I thought paying bills meant paying men named Bill. My mum looked at me, entirely baffled, when I asked who Bill was. That was the day I discovered life costs money.

Finally — because I really could go on — when my younger brother and I were around six and eight, we thought ‘prima donna’ was pronounced ‘pre-Madonna’. We thought it meant that something occurred before Madonna was famous. I was a teenager and still saying pre-Madonna, not prima-donna, until someone told me it comes from the opera world and refers to ‘the leading lady’ of the show.

Well, that’s me for today! I can’t wait to read about what you all misunderstood as kids!

As ever, thank you for taking some time to read my words. I do appreciate it.

Until next time,


© 2024 GLT

Categories: life, Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge

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8 replies

  1. I made that assumption about prima Donna, too! Haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I heard “euthanasia” and thought it was “youth in asia” and then the rest of the conversation about it wouldn’t make any sense to me 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I mean, at that point Madonna was popular, so ubiquitous, that it would make perfect sense to divide events into pre-Madonna and post-Madonna. That’s really funny.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. In a better world, maybe “euthanised” would mean “youthened.” I chortled. Thanks, George.

    Liked by 1 person

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